Relieve stress through Reiki

Stress is increasingly becoming the root cause of many illnesses. More and more people are seeing doctors only to diagnose illness related to stress and anxiety.

Until recently, stress was not acknowledged by the medical profession as a legitimate source of disease. However now, stress is the major cause of shoulder pain, back ache, migraine, High Blood Pressure, and many other diseases.

Stress coupled with improper body postures due to prolonged use of computer and laptops, excessive use of mobile phones has been developing illness of a kind which are not directly detected by medical tests.

Many of us are not very good at recognizing that various symptoms we are experiencing are caused by stress. Orthodox medicines may relieve the symptoms temporarily, but until the underlying cause is dealt with, which is in all probability an emotional issue, then the condition re appears.

Reiki and Meditation during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a momentous time in any woman's life. She is full of joy at the prospect of bringing forth a new life, but also filled with fear for the baby growing inside. Mothers-to-be have a lot to cope with during pregnancy, including all body changes that take place, such as morning sickness, excessive tiredness, indigestion and back ache; all of which can cause a lot of discomfort. These can all be alleviated with the use of Reiki. 

Reiki can also support the woman emotionally during this time of upheaval. 

Giving Reiki treatment is also a way for fathers-to-be to become more involved with the pregnancy, and to help them bond with the unborn child in a different way. Like a mother, he must face the responsibility of being a parent, and her must also come to terms with the fact that his relationship with his partner will change to some degree, as they both make room in it for a child. 

After a few regular sessions with Reiki Practitioner, mother-to-be may choose to practice self-treatment until post pregnancy.

Meditation tips for beginners

In my last post Reiki and Meditation, I discussed about how beginners can experiment meditation. In this post, lets learn about some easy steps that will assist you getting closer to the objective. 

I have repeated some text from the last post, just in case you don't want to make an effort to click through the above link!

Follow these, and moreover suit them to your convenience. Staying relaxed is far more important than having a straight back. (Though you will automatically reach to an optimum posture for your body)

  • Set aside a specific time during which you plan to meditate. Just like your body follows a sleeping regimen, your mind will gradually become accustomed to the idea of meditating or concentrating, every day. 

Meditation and Reiki

Meditation is among the most preached of relaxation methods, often recommended for getting rid of our anxieties and alleviating physical and mental pain or suffering. That's precisely we all are looking for! Isn't it? 
So why not give it a try and see whether if its a fad or really works?
Where to start?
Meditation isn't the simplest of things to practice or gain perfection over, since it requires maintaining absolute focus and perseverance. Yes, the benefits are immense with greater concentration, lesser anxiety and an overall feeling of wellness. Meditation works upon the principle of gaining enlightenment which essentially means you are elevated to a level where your mind is free from the usual clutter of disturbing ideas. When you are in the Meditation state, you are passing into a state of self-reflection & introspection that helps to create a mind and body synergy.