Uncovering some truth (read ignorance)!

What is truth and what is not is not be answered, but observed. 
We live in a society where people worship God in the hope of moksha, none sure whether it exists. What we know exists, is  not worshiped, is life with in us. 
We live where truth is nothing but socially accepted levels of insanity; which we all follow without questioning. Conditioned to our blood are stories, which when questioned evolves into disbelief.
Here is a good start.
1. There is no God other than life itself.
(“The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now, and we will never be here again.” ~ Troy)

2. Truth is within you, do not search for it elsewhere.
(Life never gets any better, only your perspective of it does. If you look to the external for answers, you have already taken the wrong step.)
3. You must reach to'nothing' through the means of 'nothing'
(I think, therefore I am not. Having an objective, an aim, a goal will one day end in achievement of same or may be not; but after that is another useless chase. We don't understand what nature is, trying to comprehend is just another chase. I would rather be  nothing reaching nothingness through nothing.)
4. Do not swim—float.
(If you were dumped out in the middle of the ocean and tried to swim to shore, you would get exhausted and drown. However, if you floated, you would expend a lot less energy and probably last a lot longer. It would be more likely that a boat or airplane would pass by to save you. Life works in the same manner; don’t resist the current of life, simply float and let everything be. Trust that life will carry you in the right direction and it will.)
5. Do not search. That which is, is. Stop and see.
(The truth lies within you. This is a perfect summarization of all the previous commandments. Do not search for external answers, and do not resist the flow of life. Take a moment to watch an animal in the wild. Do they seem to care about anything or have any problems outside of survival and enjoying their lives? We should take note of this and mimic their attitude towards life. In this day and age, survival is already taken care of for most of us and we do not have to worry about it. This is why we create ‘problems’ to keep our minds occupied. Sometimes it is best to just ‘stop and smell the flowers.’)
For those who can read between the lines, there is a lot food hidden; add salt to taste!

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